Story Maps

Upstream, in the foggy highlands of Valley de Cauca, Colombia, water flows from the biodiverse, native páramo grasslands and Andean forests, through steep pasturelands and small-scale agriculture, finally reaching low elevation, flat areas dominated by sugar cane fields. Along the water’s path, many people—farmers, school communities, indigenous communities, and other rural land stewards—work to manage their lands to provide many benefits, including clean and ample water supplies. This website aims to ‘Put Suppliers on the Map’ by introducing the faces, places, and stories of the people working on the ground to protect and improve clean water.

Storymap by Kelly Meza Prado

Funding provided by the Natural Capital Project and the CREATE Initiative

This interactive website aims to build a deeper understanding of the complexity of drinking water issues in Minnesota, drawing on rich quantitative data sources and qualitative stories—spanning from state agency rankings of drinking water aquifer vulnerability to firsthand accounts as told by staff from the Minnesota Rural Water Association.

Storymap by Orli Handmaker

Funding provided by the Natural Capital Project and the Institute on the Environment